nuestras cartas se basan en el amor , confianza , cariño para que digas lo que siente tu corazon

miércoles, 24 de agosto de 2011

bogger en ingles

missionTo be a company in the year 2o12 s one of the best to have more projects and thus have a better
and all our customers to see the entunsiasmo our company
visionTo present our project and our achievements to whether to have a good image
features-Sell quality letters that appeal to our customers

Ready-to create messages to woo customers

-Have people skilled in letters to whether to have a better expression
features-Sell quality letters that appeal to our customers
Ready-to create messages to woo customers
-Have people skilled in letters to whether to have a better expression


1) Customers will be men and women who want to conquer those who love
2) Our company will be located in various parts of Giron
3) Our customers will exceed goal in the 200
4) Our products are letters and cards to win
5) every three to four months we will be renewing our products
6) Our products are cards that express what percent and what we humans feel for someone very special
7) each employee of our company is specialized in helping our customers find what they need
8) the 'products which form our letters are the best quality
It is called the body works council representative of workers in a company. Commission is also known as corporate or internal committee. Their roles and rules governing it vary considerably between countries, ranging from simple functions related to the small employer and resolution of conflicts, to functions or shared representative in collective bargaining, right of information and consultation and involvement functions in the process of making the company more or less extensive (co-management and self).
In many countries the trade union of workers in the workplace is not protected, and therefore the works council is an institution almost nonexistent.

The cost centers are divisions that generate costs for the organization but only indirectly benefit or added value. Typical examples of this are the Departments of Research and Development, Marketing and Customer Service.

Saving is the difference between disposable income and consumption made by a person, company, public administration, among others. Likewise, saving is the income that is consumed, or complementary part of the expense.

A unit of measurement is a standardized amount of a given physical quantity. In general, a unit of measure takes its value from an employer or a composition of other units previously defined. The first units are known as basic units or base (fundamental), while the latter are called derived units. A set of measurement units in which no amount is more than an associated unit is called unit system.

Speaking Compensation includes the following terms: wages, salaries, wages, allowances, benefits (dining room service, private retirement plans, et.) And incentives (prizes, bonuses, etc.).
The compensation (wages, salaries, benefits) is the gratification that employees receive in exchange for their work, is the element that allows the company to attract and retain the human resources needs, and the employee meet their material needs, security and ego or status. "

Corporate social responsibility (CSR), also called corporate social responsibility (CSR) can be defined as active and voluntary contribution to improving social, economic and environmental firms, usually with the aim of improving their competitive position and valuation and added value. The performance evaluation system throughout the organization in these areas is known as the triple bottom line.

Divide the accounts that represent operational and financial charges incurred by the economic entity in the development of the ordinary course of business in a given financial period.
Through the system of causation are charged to income statement accounts of unpaid expenses incurred. It is understood caused an expense when the obligation to pay arises even if not made the payment.

It is called the advance estimate budget revenues and expenditures of economic activity (personal, family, business, company, office, a government) for a period, usually in the form year.1 is a plan of action directed to serve a target, expressed in financial terms and values ​​that must be met by a certain time and under certain conditions laid down, this concept is applied to each responsibility center organization. The budget is the annual development tool companies or institutions whose plans and programs are formulated within a year.

Project management also known as management or project management is the discipline that guides and integrates the processes of planning, attract, energize, organize, manage talent and resources to complete all work required to develop a project and meet scope, within time limits, and cost defined: stress-free with good interpersonal climate. All this requires leadership talents, continually assess and regulate the actions necessary and sufficient.

In digital electronics, a counter (counter in English) is a sequential circuit built from flip-flops and gates lógicascapaz perform the counting of pulses received at the designated entrance for this purpose, store data or act as a crossover. Usually, the computation is done in a binary code, which often is the natural binary or BCD natural (decade counter).

Apparent horizon or horizon (from Greek ορίζοντας "Orizont" limit) is the "line" that seemingly separates heaven and earth. Viewed from any angle this line always appears at the height of the viewer's eyes. This "line" involves a circular space of the surface of the earth.
In other domains, the horizon is defined as a plane through the center of the Earth and is perpendicular to the zenith-nadir (a radius from the center of the earth to the surface) or vertical. This is the astronomical horizon or horizon rational. The terms of the definition consider the celestial sphere is not centered on the observer but is concentric to the terrestrial sphere.

In economics, capital is a factor of production consisting of property, plant or facilities of any kind, in collaboration with other factors, primarily the work ybienes intermediate is used to produce goods consumo1-neoclassical conception of services, and knowledge (quaternary sector). The amount of resources, goods and values ​​available to satisfy a need or carry out a defined activity and generating an economic benefit or private gain. It is often considered the workforce part delcapital. Also the credit, because it means an economic benefit in the form of interest, is considered a form of capital (financial capital)

Economy (οἶκος, oikos "house" in the sense of heritage and νέμω, nemo "manage") is the social science that studies the economic behavior of individual agents production, exchange, distribution and consumption of goods and services, recognizing them as human resources and result denecesidad individual or collective society. Other doctrines help further in this study: psychology and explain how filosofíaintentan determine the objectives, history records the change in objectives over time, sociology interprets human behavior in a social and political science explains the relationship of be involved in economic processes.

In economics, the concept can refer to income the amounts received by a company from selling its products or services (business income, revenue in English) and another may refer to all income received by the citizens (English income)

The portfolio turnover is a financial indicator that determines the time accounts receivable into cash taken in, or in other words, is the time it takes to charge the company's portfolio to its customers.

The word budget is derived from the verb presume that means "to give something previously assumed. It is recognized that it is assuming in advance the computation of income or expense of each other, a business either.

A Free Trade Agreement (FTA) is a regional or bilateral trade agreement to expand the market for goods and services between the participating countries. Basically, it consists in the elimination or substantial reduction of tariffs on goods between the parties, and agreements on services. This agreement is governed by the rules of World Trade Organization (WTO) or by mutual agreement between the countries.

A company or institution is an organization dedicated to activities or pursuing economic or commercial purposes. It was noted that, in practice, you can find a variety dedefiniciones the term. That seems to be due, at least in part, that despite its apparent simplicity, the concept is complex. Thus, we can consider that these differences emphasize different aspects. Here are some

are non-monetary financial payments offered by the organization to its employees, to ensure a better quality of life and work motivation, the benefits may refer

An ordinance is a type of rule of law which is included in the regulations, and is characterized by being subject to the law.
The term comes from the word order, which refers to a mandate that was issued by one who has the power to enforce them. For this reason, the term also means ordinance mandate.

legal aspectsLegal aspects of a companyChapter 5: LEGAL STUDIES
Legal Study• Each nation has a law laid down in its constitution, laws, regulations, decrees and customs that express permissive standards, prohibitive and imperative that a project may affect
LEGAL FEASIBILITY STUDY LEGAL CONSTITUTION AND ENTERPRISE FORMALIZATIONAnalyze the legal aspects that determine the viability and the economic management of the Py.
Study of existing rules and regulations related to the nature of the project and Economic Activity
Legal Studies• Qualifications and duties of the real estate transfer • Notary fees and registration • Analysis adjacent land (water rights, boundary demarcation) • Tax legislation affecting equipment and machinery to be imported, patent
Legal Studies• Banking Law • Legislation foreign export and import • Labor Law • Environmental Legislation
Classification of companies (Companies Act)
Open Corporation
Closed corporation
More than 750 members or shareholders exists through shares and listed in the Public Registry of Securities.

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